I decided to take Charlie for an X-ray of his nose from his accident Saturday. He HATED the machine taking his "picture" but was such a trooper! Good news- no problems & no broken nose!!! We are so relieved! It's still swollen and we are waiting for the black eyes but he is doing great.
Other charlie news:
-Ask's " what's that noise" ALL the time
-Went poo poo on the potty tonight for the first time! He told us he had to go and sure enough! He was confused at first then so proud of himself! And of course he got a special treat and called all the grandparents to tell them " I poo poo on potty"! Now it's time to potty train I guess :)
-Talks about himself in 3rd person. Charlie wants that, Charlie wants to go to grocery store, Charlie ride that?, Charlie wants to go outside, and when we ask him if he wants something he says... Charlie did!
-Loves Grapes! If you ask him what he wants for breakfast"grapes", what do you want for dinner "grapes". Too funny!
- Says "Bandbabe" instead of Bandaid.
- loves trucks! He can name them all and points them out all over town... Dump truck, bulldozer, excavator (didn't even know that was a name of a truck), crane...you name it!
-Runs to us and calls out our names when we pick him up from St Michael's and I Love it!!
-Does not listen too well these days and starting to take toys from Reese but adores that sissy most days! They really are keeping each other more and more entertained these days and it's fun to watch.
Bless you baby boy!!
Holly Jolly
10 years ago