
Off to DISNEY for Thanksgiving- 15 month stats- a few pics

We are off to Disney world this morning! We can't wait! My parents (Mame' and Pops) got us a place at a wonderful Resort for Thanksgiving and wanted to include us and their Grandsons! Unfortunately, Brooke Jason, and their boys can not make it (they will be missed...we will have to do with them another time). We are in need of a vacation so bad and although it will be very interesting taking Charlie on a plane and me walking around Disney world at 31 weeks pregnant, we are looking forward to seeing the joy in Charlie's eyes and spending this time with him (and my parents) before baby # 2 comes! Also it will be nice to sleep in some and have a babysitter at night...=)
We hope you all have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!! So much to be thankful for!

Charlie had his 15month Check up and at 95% here are his stats: 26.5 lbs and 33.5" long. Our baby is growing too fast!

Charlie at the Car wash..."what the hell is going on?" 
 Our Lil trouble maker
Daddy and Charlie reading a book before bedtime. Charlie is starting to LOVE books and reads out loud in gibberish to us!


Ut- Oh! Rough Night! Firetruck

Craig was at CEU all weekend in Baton Rouge so Charlie and I had the weekend alone. Saturday night...It all started with Ut-Oh right before bedtime. I had been organizing and hanging pictures all weekend. I was hanging pictures in the hall, and charlie in his PJ's playing with toys when he ran up to me and said Ut-Oh! He had poo poo in his hand. Maysie had "went" in the house (poor little puppy- I probably forgot to let her out) and charlie picked it up and brought it to me- lovely! I sent maysie outside (after stepping in it), washed charlie up while gagging, cleaned the floors and then eventually put Charlie down.
THEN It was 2:30, I was sound asleep- & Charlie started crying! I went in there after waiting to see if he would sooth himself back down, and he was sopping wet!! It was the darn Huggies!! We switched this week from Pampers due to a $3.00 off coupon I had and all week he has been wet! I changed his diaper, sheets. his clothes and put him in bed with me (which NEVER happens because he is a wiggle worm and has never slept with us b/c he just won't). Well he feel asleep in my arms- so sweet! I could not believe it. However, I was so uncomfortable from being sick from a cold, that I softly brought him to his room, where you guessed it, he woke up. It is so cold in our house so I was so worried all night he was cold! Finally 4:30 I fell asleep! And then what felt like 30 minutes later, he woke up for the morning! I looked at the clock- 6:15!! And then realized we gained an hour..yay!!
Sunday we went to Blake's 2nd birthday party (charlie's 2nd cousin). It was a Firetruck bday party and so fun! My cousins out did themselves with a firetruck jumper, hot dog, cotton candy, snowball and nacho machines. A kids dream. Then the best part...the Firetruck visit!
 My Lil Chief!
 Watching for the Firetruck with Pops
 Blake loving the horns and sirens
 Strike a pose
 Aunt Molly and Charlie enjoying the Scarecrow and pumpkins
Mame' and Charlie with the horses


Baby Bumble Bee- Happy Halloween!

We had a wonderful Halloween! We didn't know what Charlie would think of it, being that he is only 14months old but he caught right on and LOVED it! He was like a little prince riding in the wagon from house to house, then he would run up to the houses and say "HEY" and try to wiggle his way in everyone's home. We had a beautiful night and then rang it in with the Saints beating the Steelers!
(Most people in our area neighborhoods decided to make trick-or treating on Saturday night due to the Saints game on Sunday and the thousands of people who would be watching or at the game. The Saints held a pre-game costume contest outside the Superdome. They brought the Guinness World Records in an effort to certify the crowd as the biggest ever Halloween gathering in one place).However, we celebrated on the traditional day of Oct 31st! =)

Here's our Precious Bumble Bee


BIG 3-0

We are officially thirty! Holy Cow...Where did the time go? My birthday was on Oct 1st and Craig's on Oct 10th. Over the years I would always poke fun at Craig because I was 18 before him, 21 before him,but now it is not so much fun being 30 first- he is now the one poking fun at me (although he is not far behind me)!
A wonderful 30 years...I am truly blessed and wouldn't change a thing... happily married to the most amazing man, the most adorable little boy that brings so much joy to our lives, a baby boy/girl on the way, great health, happiness, amazing family, wonderful friends and the list goes on and on and on...
Being that I'm preggo we had pretty laid back bday celebrations. My birthday was on a Friday so after work we had Craig's Aunt Cheryl watch Charlie while we went out for dinner. The next day was fun at the LSU/TN game while Charlie went with Aunt Molly to the fair to see the animals and then stayed at Mame and Pops. We had so much fun although I was pooped on Sunday. The next weekend we celebrated Craig's birthday at our new house, our very first dinner in our new dining room with family over! I used our China and had baby pictures of Craig at everyone's place setting. My sweet mom made Craig's favorite meat and we rang in the afternoon with the Saints game!
Oh and we gave each other a very cool camera for our birthday so we can capture great pics of our chickadee's!
Thank you Lord for all of our Blessing's throughout our thirty years of life!

Here's to our twenties...Welcoming our thirties!!

Happy Birthday Daddy! We love you!
 Yay - I love Birthday's!
 Trying hard to blow but not working out so good!
Helping Mommy in the Kitchen!


Update- Charlie's Birthday-Visit from Family

We are trying to update some since I have been such a slacker lately with posting! Life has just been extremly busy- as I am sure most of you can relate. -We are still in the process of renovating/updating our new house so we always have a project going on!
-I am extremly busy at work (which is a blessing) and this little baby (we decided not to find out sex of baby #2) is moving and kicking like crazy (charlie was never this busy in there)!
-Craig is like a little kid in a candy store with it being football season...on top of staying busy driving all over town to all his home health patients.
-And sweet little Charlie is very busy- and cracking us up with telling EVERYONE he sees "HEY" and he just waves and waves and blows kiss after kiss to just about anyone- and if someone isnt paying atttention to him, he just keeps saying "hey" more and more! Such a heart!!
I am going to update with a few pics from Charlie's bday party and also visit with his sweet cousins Ty and Cruz! We miss you boys so so much!! I will update more of August and Sept pics and then hopefully get back on track!
Charlie's first birthday...

Invitation to charlie's outdoor pool party
Loving the attention and cupcake!
Mommy, Daddy and Charlie

His very own drum set from Aunt Molly
 Had to do a matching sock monkey cake!
 Charlie with his CZ and BZ
Matching decor for our fun themed party
Day after his party- enjoying ALL his toys and making his silly face!
 Enjoying my cousins coming to Louisiana to hang out. We had so much fun.
-Cousin Ty, Charlie, Cousin Cruz and 2nd Cousin Blake-
Darling Cruz- my lil rolly polly!